Our stores
La Chaise Bleue

La Chaise Bleue
You can’t go wrong with a gift bearing the “La Chaise bleue” stamp, a must-have souvenir of a stay on the French Riviera! The seaside atmosphere is guaranteed, with decorative items, household linen, crockery, souvenirs, scented products, accessories and beach items all at quality prices. Not forgetting your favourite brands Mathilde M , Durance,…
4 rue Jacques MĂ©decin – 06000 Nice – France
+33 4 93 92 94 28
La Chaise bleue Halévy
Then in 2017, the La Chaise Bleue shop was opened. The brand is very much associated with the marine world, and the shop offers a wide range of decorative products and household linen.
5 rue HalĂ©vy – 06000 Nice – France
+33 4 93 16 22 02

Our partner shops
La Chaise Bleue
L'Ătoile de l'opĂ©ra
All the decoration and scents of the CĂŽte d’Azur come together here, in the heart of Nice. And don’t forget the must-have postcards, mugs, gourds, metal plaques, tote bags… all bearing the vintage effigy of Nice !
9 rue Saint François de Paule – 06300 Nice – France
+33 4 93 62 28 92
Nice Pocket
Find all the essentials of Nice at Nice Pocket, with a selection of the most popular souvenir items and T-shirts !
1 rue MassĂ©na – 06000 Nice – France
+33 4 93 62 30 68
Nice Spirit
At Nice Spirit, you’ll find all the spirit of Nice in a range of decorative and practical souvenirs, so you can take the soul of Nice with you!
5 rue HalĂ©vy – 06000 Nice – France
+33 4 93 91 05 09
Tabac de l'opéra
Nice souvenirs in traditional and contemporary styles to delight all generations.
9 rue Saint François de Paule – 06300 Nice – France
+33 4 93 80 09 68
Tabac du palais
Articles for smokers, but also snacks and souvenir gifts typical of Nice! Press and cigar cellar.
19 promenade des Anglais – 06000 Nice – France
+33 4 93 87 58 27
A girly, relaxed atmosphere for a homemade ice cream, crĂȘpe or other delicacy, in the heart of Nice, after a day on the beach or visiting Nissa la Bella… Fancy it?
2 rue HalĂ©vy – 06000 Nice  France